Dan Denney | Bypeople

Dan Denney

A self-declared lover of the web and all that is related to it; Dan works as a front-end developer at Envy Labs, a web development shop aiming to produce incredible products. Their team consists of creators, designers, educators, engineers and troubleshooters.

He demonstrates his love for web development by adopting new standards to his own website; for example, he has changed the illustrations on his website to SVG, providing great quality content in a very responsive layout. His post I’m Down with SVG gives a comparison on the advantages of using vector images versus raster ones.

In addition to being a front-end developer, Denney also teaches at Code School where people learn by shadowing and at the same time by applying themselves what they are supposed to learn. Denney is also taking care of other tasks for the web design and development process, like researching, laying out and creating mockups.

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