Jason Santa Maria | Bypeople

Jason Santa Maria

One could say Jason Santa Maria is the man of the moment if it weren’t for the fact that there are, actually, many “men of the moment” in the design scene right now. Either way, the former art director for the design webzine “A List Apart”,  current faculty member of the Interaction Design program at SVA, former vice president of AIGA/NY and founder of Typedia has enough qualifications as a designer that it becomes impossible not to include him among the leading voices in graphic design today.

He writes for several online publications, and has collaborated on a few books like “Mastering type: the essential guide to typography for print and web design”. He has some recurring topics he loves writing about, such as the theory and fundamental principles of design and the history and use of type. Among his articles there are several that deserve attention such as the one about the modular layout he uses for his website, or the very interesting piece he wrote about selecting the right typeface for your next web development.

You can check what he’s currently up to in his blog, in which he writes about whatever strikes him, usually design related, fancy.

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