Geometric Sans Font Family – Widy Collection with 18 Font Variations

The Widy font family is a geometric sans-serif font with a modern concept, with a font design based on Oaul Renner’s Futura – the font features weights from thin to extra bold, and you can apply this typeface to your editorial projects, web designs, UI projects, display compositions and print templates, and maintain a consistent typographic identity across all media while using a professional, powerful looking sans-serif
The package features 18 fonts delivered in OTF file format, with 9 weights including Thin, Extra Light, Light, Semi Light, Regular, Medium, Semi Bold, Bold and Extra Bold, and matching true italics for each one – it’s specially designed for interface design projects, but it also performs amazingly on graphic design projects for digital and print media like posters, branding, business cards, flyers and others
Normally this package would cost over $70, but through this limited time offer you can get it the Widy font family for only $19.
You Will Receive:
- The complete Widy font family pack
- Contains 18 font styles
- Based on the popular Futura font
- 9 different weights
- Thin, extra light, light, semi light, regular, medium, semi bold, bold and extra bold
- Matching true italics for each weight
- Perfect for graphic design & UI design
- Language support: Western Europe, Central/Eastern Europe, Baltic, Turkish, Romanian
- Commercial use license
Check out the Font!