
70 Car T-Shirt Designs Pack, Vector Sources & Print-Ready Files (Updated October 2023)

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A pack of neat car t-shirt designs with sports cars and racing themes, featuring fully editable vector sources as well as print-ready illustrations in high resolution, with slogans, vehicle make/models, japanese lettering, manga style illustration panels and more.

Every design is delivered in a separate AI vector file for Adobe Illustrator, with organized layer structures, properly named layers, full color designs, and editable texts (except for the Japanese lettering and a few background words). With these source files you’ll be able to customize everything about these illustrations: change backgrounds, add/remove design elements, modify colors, shapes, text content and more without damaging the image’s quality!

Additionally every illustration includes a high resolution PNG version with transparent background, dimensions 4000x4000px, print-ready at 300dpi so you can start using these designs for your merch straight out of the box!

Purchased separately these designs would cost over $750, but with this limited time offer you can get this collection of kickass vector car t-shirt designs for just $29!

You Will Receive:

  • 70 car t-shirt designs
  • Source editable files in AI vector format
  • Organized & properly named layers
  • Editable texts and slogans
  • Print-ready versions of each design in PNG format
  • Dimensions 4000×4000, printable at 300dpi
  • Sports cars and racing themes
  • Commercial use license

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