Joshua Porter | Bypeople

Joshua Porter

Hooked up with interfaces creation and user experience since about fifteen years ago, Joshua Porter became an experienced interface designer and writer. He has been working in his blog Bokardo since 2000, where he shares his broad experience about interfaces and product design. Josh has also co-founded 52 weeks of UX, an amazing blog about user experience, with about 10,000 readers. Porter has been writing a book as well; its title will be “Make them Care” which points out some practices to make a website show the best of a product or service, hence making customers convinced by its advantages, improving the profitability of a product.

52 weeks of UX deserves to be read from the very first post on week 1; The first rule of UX, written by Porter, points out that the importance of every single element and detail of any website or web app will affect the communication with the customer as everything will communicate something as long as it exists.

At week 51, his last post Is UX the key to a long-lasting business? Explains how user experience is important in trading. He gives certain clues that may be translated into metrics that measure the success of a product or service, in this case websites and web applications, which together comprise user experience items to take into account.

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