10,000+ Light Leak Photo Overlays Megabundle

This huge pack contains over 10,000 light leak photo overlay effects for Adobe Photoshop, simple to use and well documented to make everything easier, featuring a massive variety of colorful light leaks from various angles and in various sizes, that yuo can apply to your photos to add neat effects to them in just a few clicks.
You will receive a massive collection with over 7GB of overlays for you to use with an action in Adobe Photoshop, a completely non-destructive process that results in an organized layered image with the desired effect applied to it, high quality image output, and huge time saving.
Simply install the PS action, open the photo or image to which you’d like to add an effect, play the action, place the overlay effect and rotate/scale as necessary to achieve the look you want, and that’s it!
You can use these in all kinds of imagery to apply great effects & have beautiful compositions made in seconds! Today you can get this entire collection for just $19!
- 10k+ overlays
- Well systematised layers
- Fully editable layers
- Easy to customize
- Non-destructive actions
- Well documented instructions
- This action can be use on Photoshop CS3, CS4, CS5, CS6, CC and CC 2018 (tested in English version)
- Suggested to use high resolution photo sizes between 1000 – 5000px (min resolution: 72dpi)
- Over 7GB of content
- Unrestricted commercial use
Important Details:
- Make sure you are using the ENGLISH version of Photoshop;
- Go to: Image / Mode and check the “RGB colour” and “8 Bits/Channel”
- For CS5 and higher versions, click on menu icon at the right on “LAYERS” panel and go to “Panel Option…”,and check the “Add “copy” to Copied Layers and Groups”.
How To Use Overlay
- Open Adobe Photoshop.
- Install Overlay Action.atn
- (Window > Actions > Load Actions)
- Open photo.
- Play Overlay Actions.
- Place a suitable file with overlay effect, rotate, and scale the if necessary.
- You can use multiple overlays on one photo.
- Enjoy with results!
How To Play Action
- Open the action (for that go to: Window / Actions, click on menu icon at the right and choose in list “Load Actions” then find the action on your computer and open it;
- Open your background image;
- Find action in the action list and open it and click play
- Wait a few seconds that Photoshop make all actions (speed of action work depends of the power of your computer);
- Then change the colors and Effects if you need
- You’re done!