SaaS Starter Kit – Laravel, Kubernetes, Docker, GitLab CI/CD, Built-In Deployment Solutions, Payments & Settings
Nana is a Laravel starter kit with subscriptions, invoices, default pages, tests, pipelines, development tooling and deployment solutions.
This setup was made with ultimate productivity and high quality during development in mind, it features components made with the latest technologies including Laravel 8, PHP 8, MySQL 8 & Nginx 1.17 as well as TailwindCSS 2, Docker, Kubernetes, Helm 3, GitLab CI/CD & more!
Stop losing time trying to integrate payments into a product, building settings pages, or picking a deployment solution – let alone automating it. With Nana SaaS Starter Kit, all of these come pre-made, ready to be used!
Regularly this SaaS Starter Kit would be priced $449, however, with this limited time offer you can grab the Essentials or the Fullhouse version with a great discount, and take your project from zero to live in seconds with this awesome kit!
You Will Receive:
- Lifetime access to Nana SaaS Starter Kit
- Essentials & Fullhouse plans available
- Development tooling & deployment solution
- Built in subscription charging through Stripe
- Interface for listing/downloading Stripe invoices
- Laravel authentication mechanism
- Responsive Tailwind dashboard layout
- Built-in settings page for user info, password reset, payment details & invoices
- Full Kubernetes setup to be deployed on any cluster
- Configurable Helm setup
- Gitlab CI/CD – all commits will be linted, tested & deployed automagically
- Built with the latest PHP, MySQL, Nginx & Redis
Essentials Includes
- Latest Laravel 8
- PHP 8 + MySQL 8 + Nginx 1.17
- TailwindCSS 2 + Font Awesome 5
- Auth & Settings Pages + Tests
- Docker & Docker Compose
- Web, queue and cron deployments based on latest Alpine FPM image with full OPcache support.
Fullhouse Includes
This plan includes everything in Essentials as well as:
- Kubernetes
- Web, queue and cronjob pods, with Redis 6 and private image support.
- Helm 3 with single configuration
- GitLab CI/CD
Ready Made Pages with Tailwind
User Profile
The basics of the user-related information is already there, fully functional. The user can set the name and surname by default, and it can be easily extended.
Change Password
The settings functionality already includes a password change functionality by default. The user can change their password out-of-box.
Subscription details
Nana includes subscriptions by default, which means the existing setting page already handles:
- Displaying the current plan of the user
- Changing their current plan
- Cancelling their active subscription
- Reactivating a cancelled subscription
Payment Methods
The user can manage their payment methods, add new ones, set one of them as default and remove as wanted.
The invoice section includes basic information regarding the user’s previous payments. Nana also generates the PDF version of the invoice automatically.
With this Kit You Can
Integrate Subscription Payments
Start charging recurring payments from day zero using Stripe Billing, including all payment pages and SCA compliance.
Nana provides a built-in interface for users to list and download their invoices using Stripe.
Nana uses Laravel’s fully-blown authentication mechanism to provide a secure and stable product for your users.
Nana comes with a built-in settings page that contains user information and password reset options as well as payment information and invoices.
Dashboard Layout
Utilizing the power of Tailwind, Nana ships with a fully responsive dashboard layout with a sidebar along with example pages.
Test Coverage
All the user-facing critical functionality, as well as various classes and methods have full unit and end-to-end test coverage.
Docker & Docker Compose
Enjoy the seamless development environment that is ready to work on any platform.
Kubernetes & Helm
Nana comes with a full Kubernetes setup, ready to be deployed on any cluster with fully configurable Helm setup.
GitLab CI/CD
All of your commits will be linted, tested and automatically deployed when they are merged, it’s like magic.
PHP 8 & MySQL 8
Nana is built with the latest PHP version, along with the latest version of MySQL, Nginx and Redis.