Quick Tip: Thicken your paths on Illustrator | Bypeople

Quick Tip: Thicken your paths on Illustrator

widthool00 Today we’re going to learn one of Adobe Illustrator CS5 brand new features, the width path tool. This is a nice implementation to work with your paths in a very easy way without having to generate fills or masks. If you’re still working with previous versions of Illustrator, we suggest you to upgrade it because many of our design tips will be written around the new CS5 tools and properties. If you are worried about the performance, you must know that the software does not require a ridiculous amount of resources.

This tip is simple and at the usability huge, you will need no longer to create entire shapes that will help you make shapes like the one shown on the previous screenshot. You can use this tool in any color mode and resolution, just look for it at the tool bar.


Once you have the path that you need to modify, simply select the Width Tool and click over any part of the path, then hold click and move it until you get the ideal result.


You can make as many adjustments as you wish, but it’s better not to abuse of it or the results will not be as nice as you expect.


And that’s it, quite useful isn’t it?, this is just one of the great features that have been incorporated on Illustrator since the CS5 version, come back to read our next daily tip and remember to leave us your comments and suggestions so we can realize what are you expecting to find here, thanks for visiting.

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