wpsc, Open Source Plugin for Creating Support Tickets | Bypeople

wpsc, Open Source Plugin for Creating Support Tickets

This is an open source help desk and support ticket system for WordPress using jQuery. It is easy to use for both users & admins, and it works as an open source WordPress support ticket system. This isn’t some port of another ticket system that has been hacked to run inside WordPress: it is a new plugin designed from the ground up specifically for WordPress. Its features are:

– Users can create support tickets and reply to their own tickets

– Guests can use tickets as well by just adding their email address.

– Admins, and any user granted managing capability can reply to, close, or delete any ticket

– Front end support ticket interface is done in jQuery and utilizes AJAX ticket loading

– Customizable departments, email messages, and CSS for custom solutions

– You can hide support ticket capabilities from a user who has not purchased a specific product

– Seamless integration with open source wpStoreCart e-commerce plugin, including a shared Guest system

– Admin dashboard widget shows all open tickets

– Both the admin and frontend provide a WYSIWYG HTML editor for formatting

– It’s available in 16 languages

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